environmental realism.

Nation-states' shift to
environmental realism,
leaving outdated forms of
traditional realism behind,
is vital for states' security
and survival in the 21st
century. Gaia Morgan Group
can provide a key catalyst
to help states begin to make
this shift while learning why it
is so important and how it can
benefit their long-term
peace and security prospects.
The Earth has limits, and it dynamically
responds to human activities and impacts.
The changes underway in the early 21st
century require that nations rapidly shift
from a framework of basic realism to one of
environmental realism. Air, soil, water,
and biodiversity crises are building globally
due to states' "nature blindness" to date.
These crises will bring with them severe
security consequences for states both at
home and abroad; many nations have
already experienced early forms of this.
Nations need to come to accept that
they cannot indefinitely degrade,
contaminate, and "vanish" natural
landscapes and other species if they
want to avoid such crises. States can
benefit from exploring and
implementing a flexible, living,
adaptable mindset for the preservation
of security and democracy in this
difficult era of environmental limits: a
mindset we call environmental realism.
Our Founder is currently at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Conference of Parties (COP) in Cali, Colombia, seeking to learn from government delegations about their experiences and difficulties to date in implementing their National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plans (NBSAPs), and sharing with these delegates some of the ways in which Gaia Morgan Group can improve the chances of their NBSAPs being successfully implemented and mainstreamed.
Our Founder attended the May 2024 SBSTTA-26 and SBI-4 meetings in Nairobi, Kenya in the lead-up to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Conference of Parties (COP) in Colombia in October. GMG's biocentric strategic environmental intelligence briefings are a good framework for improving the chances of success for countries' National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plans (NBSAPs), which all signatories to the CBD are currently developing and seeking to implement.
Our Founder attended COP28 in Dubai in December 2023.
Our Founder has been appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University in Environmental History and Public
Policy from 2024 - 2026. She will be carrying out in-depth
research on environmental realism and other forms of political biocentrism. She will look to identify case studies in
contemporary policy and international affairs, as well as in
the past, where nations could benefit or have benefited from implementing this frame of reference in their exercise of power.
GMG was at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting in
New York 19 - 20 September 2022.
GMG presented at the 1st-ever Africa Protected Areas Congress, Kigali, Rwanda, 21 July 2022. Our founder presented a side
event, "Redefining environmental intelligence." If you would like
a copy of the presentation, please reach out via our Contact